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If you want to break the law, I am not your guy. I don't condone illegal activity of any kind. You are on your own for this one, sorry. Sincerely, the Helpful Hub Admin.5) Introduce Yourself to Your Blog Readers by Posting Photos of Your Desk and Ones with Friends at the Beach Email Address: danielle@danielle-james. com 6) Answer the following questions: 1. What is your favorite color? 2. What picture would you have on your first record cover? 3. How many tattoos do you have? ? 1) Enter Contest to Win Your Dream Home, Makeover, or Theme Party (up to $10,000) ( 2) Write Yourself a Love Letter ( aspx) 3) Stay in a Best Western Hotel for a Week ( 4) Write a Song about an Ape or Monkey (http://www.franklinrealty. com/best-western-macarthur/our-values.aspx?cid=scotland&pid=299983) 5) Get a Free Makeover ( 6) Win a $400 Best Western Gift Card ( 7) Stay in a Bed & Breakfast for 3 Days in the Smokey Mountains (http://www.franklinrealty. com/best-western-smiths-falls/) 8) Write a Poem about a Tourist Attraction you Visited ( 9) Giveaway - Like Like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. 1. What is your favorite color? My favorite color is turquoise. I love the way it looks with other colors and the many different shades of turquoise there are to choose from! I also love brown because I can match it up with just about anything! 2. cfa1e77820